If you've got lots of different vacancies, or if you work with a number of different HR professionals in Jobtoolz, it can be helpful to add tags to your vacancy and use them to filter vacancies.
Read about how you can add tags to your vacancies so that you can use them for internal filtering.
NB: This is NOT the same as the value filter that you can add to vacancies. A value filter enables the candidate to filter the various vacancies posted on your job site. A tag, on the other hand, is for internal use for filtering vacancies.
- Click on the relevant vacancy

- Click on the ‘tag’ icon:

- Choose from the already available tags, or create a new tag:
- To add an existing tag: click on ‘select’

- To create a new tag: type it in, and click on ‘Add and select’:

- Click on ‘Save tags’
You have now added tags to your vacancy! Do you want to manage all your tags? To do this, go to Settings >Tags. You’ll see a list of all the tags you’re using for vacancies and also the tags used for candidates.