How can I improve my job site’s Google ranking?

This page explains how we provide in terms of SEO optimisation and how you can fine-tune the optimisation further.

We take partial responsibility for your site’s SEO performance, but to a large extent it is in your hands.

What we do: 

Jobtoolz is designed to meet all the basic SEO requirements. Our code uses HTML tags correctly, which makes us more trustworthy to Google.

What you need to do:

The lion’s share of improving your Google ranking is in your own hands. To make your ranking as good as possible, the best thing to do is to start with keyword research: Which terms are in popular use with your target group? Next...

First of all, provide suitable metadata via the app settings. Enter a title and description there, these will be used for search machines and social media. It goes without saying that you should make these as SEO-optimised as possible. That means you need to include important keywords in the title. 

Secondly, it’s very important that you keep SEO in the back of your mind every time you’re adding text to your job site.

  • Any keywords that you expect people to search for; use these in the titles on your job site, or in your vacancy.
  • Make sure that headings and titles are clear.
  • Even in the body text, try and use the word choices that your target group uses. 

Thirdly, we recommend very strongly that you set up your own domain name for your job site. Something like is immediately clear to search engines like Google. You can learn more about how to do that here.

Fourth tip: make sure each of your vacancies has a short, clear title. You should also make sure that the slug includes the most important keyword in the vacancy title (e.g.

Fifth and last tip: Try to work on as much link building as possible. That means you want authoritative websites linking to your job site. Be inventive about this!