Where can I see how many candidates and vacancies I have?

Learn how to get a quick overview of general information such as the number of candidates, vacancies and filled vacancies, and the average lead time for your vacancies.

Large companies can sometimes find it tricky to keep track of dozens of vacancies and hundreds of candidates. So, in our ‘Analytics’ module, we’ve made sure that you can get a quick overview of all your vacancies and candidates. To do this, go to the ‘Analytics’ tab.

  • On the top left, you’ll see how many candidates you have. You can also see how many of these candidates have been hired, rejected, are in processing or are waiting for feedback.
  • You can also see there what the average lead time is for your vacancies. This is the time from creating the vacancy until someone is hired to fill it.
  • In the third block, you can see the total number of vacancies that you have. You can also see how many of these vacancies are published or unpublished, and how many have been archived.
  • In the final block, you can see how many of your vacancies have been filled. That is, how many people are in a phase for which you have activated the onboarding process.

Click on ‘Add Filter’ at the top of the page to load general stats for e.g. a selection of vacancies, locations, etc.