How do you add a new vacancy?

Find out how to add a new vacancy here.

When you log in, you come to the ‘jobs’ page by default.  

Click here on the green ‘new job’ button to add a new job. Follow the 4 steps to add your vacancy.

  • Description - here you enter the title, details, text and images of your vacancy.
  • Application form - here you set the info you want to ask your candidates when they apply. This can be different for each vacancy.
  • Recruitment process - here you set the steps of your recruitment process. So you can get an easy overview of which candidates are where in your recruitment process. This can vary per vacancy.
  • Publish - here you can publish the vacancy, immediately, or with a specific start or end date. In this step you can also choose on which language version of the site the vacancy is published.
  • Reach more candidates - here you can find all the options for distributing your vacancy for free or for a fee.